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Covenant House: On a bitter cold and stormy night on the lower east side of Manhattan, six runaways were sleeping in the doorway of a young priest's apartment doorway. When asked why the kids weren't at home in bed, they simply replied: "we don't have a home - we're runaways". That night, Father Bruce Ritter founded Covenant House. Covenant House Vancouver exists for those young people for whom there is often no one else - young people aged 16-24 who have fled physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse, those who have been forced from their homes or those who have aged out of foster care. We bandage their cut-up feet from days and nights walking the streets; give them hot food and a warm bed and support them in their choice to change their present circumstances while helping them heal from past traumas. Covenant House relies on the generosity of over 50,000 individuals and organizations to provide shelter, food, clothing and counseling to over 1,400 young people each year.

Plan Canada (Formally Foster Parents`Plan): Founded in 1937 as Foster Parents Plan, they started out by providing direct aid to individual children and families. As their work grew and evolved over many decades, they learned that lasting change for children requires a plan for the entire community. Today, they are one of the world’s oldest and largest international development agencies. Not for profit, independent and inclusive of all faiths and cultures, they have only one agenda: to improve the lives of children.

Cambodia Water Well Project: The villages in which they work typically have no source of clean drinking water. Without access to clean water, families have usually relied on gathering dirty water from scum-covered nearby retaining ponds, or carrying water in plastic containers from far-away rivers. We help the families gain access to clean water in three ways: Water wells, rainwater harvesting and biosand filters. Everything changes when clean water becomes available! Sickness and disease is dramatically reduced. Water becomes available for growing vegetable gardens or for fishponds, addressing hunger and malnutrition. Children who previously had to work for hours each and every day, hauling water are able to attend school regularly. Life begins anew! 

North Shore Persian School: Located in North Vancouver the school is committed to educating young Persian students on the importance of Persian literature, history and culture. A volunteer based program supporting over 50 students. The school teaches young people the importance of their heritage, culture, language and dance. The school holds a bi-annual show which is presented for the Persian community to enjoy and the children get a change to perform their national dance, songs and plays.

New Hope Therapeutic Society:  New Hope Therapeutic Society (NHTS) has been a Canadian registered non-profit society since 1981. For over three decades they have provided child and family services to the needy.  Since their inception, they have provided services to British Columbia Child and Family Services, Federal Corrections and the Canadian Department of Indian Affairs. Since 2008, they have undertaken the responsibility to raise financial assistance for Saint Elizabeth Orphanage/School in Kisumu, Kenya. Their primary goal in Kenya is to provide food, shelter, medical assistance and education to needy and abandoned children

Love Is The Answer:  

LITA assists orphaned children and caregivers of orphaned children in Africa in areas of poverty relief and education, and by supporting grass roots community initiatives of benefit to the children that are self directed, lead towards self-sufficiency and sustainability.

Presently, LITA has two local volunteer agents on the ground full time in Uganda where all of our projects are in progress.

Operation Rainbow Canada:

Operation Rainbow Canada is a private, all volunteer non-profit medical services organization which functions without paid staff and provides free reconstructive surgery and related health care for cleft lip and cleft palate deformities to needy children and young adults in developing countries.

In addition to cleft lip and palate surgery, the teams also perform reconstructive surgery for burn and post contractures. Without corrective surgery, children born with cleft lip and cleft palate deformities are shunned, ostracized, denied schooling and eventually succumb to a solitary life lived in the protection of their homes.

Operation Rainbow Canada is a private, all volunteer non-profit medical services organization which functions without paid staff and provides free reconstructive surgery and related health care for cleft lip and cleft palate deformities to needy children and young adults in developing countries. We also provide education and training to physicians and other health care professionals in host countries to achieve long-term self-sufficiency while providing an educational program for Canadian plastic surgery, pediatric and anesthesiology residents.

Fight Against Prostate Cancer:

One in six men, who are over 50 years of age, will suffer from Prostate Cancer. An average of 83 Canadian senior men, die each week from this dreaded disease.

Dr. Soraya supports Dr. Marianne Sadar of the B.C Cancer Agency's Prostate Cancer Research Center.

Dr. Sadar has developed a drug that is redusing the size of tumors from the size of a pea down to grain fo sand.


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